GIFs on the Internet and on social networks are a constant trend that continues to gain momentum. Every day we notice new features in the design of posts, banner ads, and e-mail newsletters. GIFs help us to make communication more dynamic, funny and increase user engagement.
Where to apply GIFs
Eye-catching digital images are not only good for devouring your time. They also have a more reasonable use. Here are some cases you can use GIFs instead of:
- A video
In social networks, videos are usually not deployed in full screen and can be watched without sound, especially so if high quality is not required, GIFs are a great idea, as they weigh less and load faster. And they automatically turn on at the majority of websites.

- Screenshots/photos of the process and long explanations
A long instruction to a process is easily replaced by a simple GIF.

- Pictures and illustrations
Now GIFs illustrate anything. In the modern world, they appear to be the best illustrations of different kinds of articles, from entertaining content to political discussions.

- Emojis
GIFs convey emotions better. Use them in social media to be more original and funny.

How to create a GIF by yourself
You can make your own GIFs in BgRem.
First, you should upload the video to the service:
After uploading, you can choose the background or edit your video:
Before saving, you can choose the quality and format of the output video. Choose .gif format and click “Continue”.
Save the GIF to your gallery to use it in social media and in your projects.

Where to look for ready-made GIFs
If you don’t want to create a GIF by yourself, you can take advantage of big stocks. Everybody can upload their Animated pictures to these services, that’s why it is possible to pick up a GIF for every taste and color. We have looked through an extended list of such websites and chose the best ones for you:
Lots of GIFs are collected by thousands of users. On Reddit, by the way, there are at once several sections with GIFs.
Another good collective blog with a huge number of GIFs.
On Pinterest, users have collected a huge collection of GIFs. To find a GIF, enter the "gif" label after the keyword in the search.
There are also a lot of GIFs here, and you need to enter the "gif" label after the keyword too.
The world's largest catalog of GIFs. There is a search by names and keywords.
Another catalog. Large collection and convenient search.
The largest photo hosting. The link leads to a page with the already configured gif search.
Google, by the way, also gives the opportunity to search for GIFs. And it is good at it. Just use the “Animations” filter in the image search.

How to upload GIFs on social networks
There is no doubt that GIFs look great on social media. That is why almost every social user has once wondered whether it is possible to attach an animated picture to one’s post. Here you can find the answer:
This social network stubbornly resists the invasion of gifs. You can upload them there only by using the link (and still not from all resources).
Tip: If you don't have a link to your favorite GIF, then upload it first to the GIPHY service.
Unfortunately, Instagram does not support GIFs at all. You can upload them there only by first converting them to MP4 format. The same GIPHY service can do this. Proceed the same way as when uploading to Facebook, but at the end, click the Instagram icon and enter your e-mail where the finished file will come.
With Twitter, on the other hand, there are no obstacles at all. GIFs are uploaded there just like photos.